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Seven Main CAKRAS

In human body, the already active Cakra is useful as reins, as moving spirit of vitality to the human body's organs. It also as a symbol of central psychological energy for balancing between their four principal functions, viz. :
thought, feeling, touching and intuition.
According to yoga's doctrine, there are Seven Main Cakras in human body, which are the centers of psychological energy, viz. :
1. Cakra Dasar or Muladara Cakra (Basic Cakra)
Located at the end of spinal cord (near cocygeus), believed as the center of energy, which expand to every Cakra in the human body.
2. Cakra Pusar or Manipura Cakra (Navel Cakra)
Located in the navel area.
3. Cakra Pankreas
Located in Pancreas area
4. Cakra Jantung ( front and back ) or Anahata Cakra
Located in the front and back side of heart area.
5.Cakra Tenggorokan or Vishuda Cakra (Larynx Cakra)
Located in the area of the Larynx.
6. Cakra Adnya
Located between the two eyebrows.
7. Cakra Mahkota or Sahasara Cakra
Located in the area of the fontanel (Crown Head) and in the highest center of the core of conscience in the human body.

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Perguruan Olah Raga Tenaga Dalam Cakra Murti (c) 1999

Alamat : Jl. Raya Kampung. Sawah RT.06/RW.04 no. 1
Kel. Jatimulya, Kec. Sukma Jaya Kotip Depok 16413, Bogor. Indonesia
Telephone : (62).21.876.3889

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