Self-Defense Art-Martial Healthy Art-of-Breathing Meditation.

Systematic of Training


Say prayer according to one's own religion and faith, so as :

1. To be bestowed God's blessing and protection during the performance of training.

2. To implore God for forgiveness on the sins and stains committed by us, by our children, our wives, our brother and sisters, father and mother and our ancestors and that God may bestowed them a proper place beside Him.


1. To take a meditation attitude and to imagine a central point having the form of rays.

2. To implore God for being bestowed purified rays and purity of our inner self and that with regard to outer world.

- The purified rays should be imagined as entering our body from the fontanel (Cakra Mahkota) to the navel and refract it through the entire body and with this we are convinced that all diseases can be annihilated.
- For the purification, we imagine purified water comes from heaven and moisten our body get purified and clean.

3. Respiration exercises should be carried out by breathing in through the nose. From the nose further to the navel. After holding our breath during 10 times counting, and afterwards breathing it out again through the nose and also with 10 times counting. The condition of abdomen during inhaling as well as exhaling, should be hard.

4. Exercise to increase the imagination by :

- At that moment we are carrying out meditation at a purified spot (classified as purified according to our respective religion).
- From the training location we see far away as if there are many holy places.

5. Training to activate the energy of hand-prana.

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Perguruan Olah Raga Tenaga Dalam Cakra Murti (c) 1999

Alamat : Jl. Raya Kampung. Sawah RT.06/RW.04 no. 1
Kel. Jatimulya, Kec. Sukma Jaya Kotip Depok 16413, Bogor. Indonesia
Telephone : (62).21.876.3889

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